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Bite Size Security Blog

Keep your business secure with the latest cybersecurity and information security news from NCX Group. Our team of experts provides you with analysis and insights on potential threats to help protect your enterprise.

Get informed and stay safe with NCX Group.

Bite Size Security Blog

Keep your business secure with the latest cybersecurity and information security news from NCX Group. Our team of experts provides you with analysis and insights on potential threats to help protect your enterprise.

Get informed and stay safe with NCX Group.


Latest Updates

The impact of ransomware on cyber insurance

The impact of ransomware on cyber insurance

A closer look at the impact of ransomware on cyber insurance shows how rates and requirements are changing due to the increase in these types of attacks, as well as why being cyber ready isn’t about having cyber insurance.

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Protect against phishing attacks involving file sharing programs

Protect against phishing attacks involving file sharing programs

Phishing attacks are an all-too-common occurrence in today’s business world. Hackers use phishing scams to trick employees into giving up company information, passwords and other sensitive data. The phishers often send out emails that appear as if they come from the CEO or another high-level exec…

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Make your remote workforce safer with cyber awareness training and micro-learning

Make your remote workforce safer with cyber awareness training and micro-learning

It seems that every day, our work environment continues to get more dependent on technology. For example, just take a look at your office computer screen and notice all the apps you need to run your job from one central location.  As more employees find themselves working remotely, and with such easy access to information utilizing the Internet from home, cyberattacks have become a major concern.

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The Executive Order on improving cybersecurity

The Executive Order on improving cybersecurity

The Executive Order (EO) on improving the nation’s cybersecurity to support public and private efforts, will help identify, deter, protect against, detect, and respond to persistent and increasingly sophisticated malicious cyber campaigns. What has influenced some of the specific measures used in the Executive Order are the recent cyber espionage campaigns.

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Cyber Resilience: How to plan for the unknown

Cyber Resilience: How to plan for the unknown

Cyber resilience gets businesses to prepare for, respond to, and recover from cyber threats. For it to work you want your IT and security teams to have actionable data on everything in the network, not just the devices and applications that employees use every day.  To set this up you need to plan up-front and have model scenarios that can tell you how your data would be accessed.   

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How to improve cloud security and third-party risk management

How to improve cloud security and third-party risk management

The Equifax data breach of 143 million US consumers is a clear example that cybersecurity threats are real, and that the stakes for businesses have never been higher. When risks don’t get addressed immediately, this makes it even more likely to become another Equifax breach, or think of the SolarWinds incident.  All cyber-attacks are damaging to people and the business that gets hit. 

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A simple three step guide to creating an incident response plan

A simple three step guide to creating an incident response plan

When businesses neglect to create an incident response plan and they are forced into action due to a security incident, they find themselves inadequately prepared and taking the wrong steps. In this blog post we’ll discuss three simple steps you can take to build an incident response plan that will help your company be prepared for any security incident that may happen.

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3 tips on how to better handle remote working cybersecurity risks

3 tips on how to better handle remote working cybersecurity risks

With the increase in remote working, organizations need to be better prepared for cybersecurity risks and vulnerabilities. This means many things, but above all, when focusing on the remote workforce, it means training employees, analyzing software, and ensuring antivirus solutions are deployed on all devices.

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Best cybersecurity practices for your remote workforce

Best cybersecurity practices for your remote workforce

Cybersecurity real talk: You train, you give rules, and you understand the habits so that you can break the bad habits in time as you integrate and substitute with cybersecurity culture practices that you make a constant through business day-to-day operational habits. A simple break-down with best cybersecurity practices in mind are the following steps.

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Network security with our IPK services

Network security with our IPK services

The value of network security is something every CEO and CIO, or other business executive, is aware of (or should be, one should hope). In one way or another, the executives are always looking to be effective in what they set up. The thing is, to be effective with cybersecurity overall, there is a need to take a holistic approach and to have the knowledge on what’s important, what’s not, what’s smoke in your eyes, and so on.

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