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Executive Game Plan

Cyber resilience for 2022

If you are going to plan for success in 2022, your cyber resiliency needs a second look (a second set of eyes too).  You want to revisit the areas that need a revamp now that the post-pandemic repercussions and changes are settling in.   

In our latest topics these last few months, we’ve discussed various cybersecurity areas that are keeping executives – CEOs, CIOs, CXOs, CFOs, CTOs, CDOs, etc. – up at night.  All of these areas have one thing in common: the shift from in-office work environments to remote and hybrid work environments (due to the pandemic).   

The last 18 months have been challenging to say the least, and everyone did their best (and is still doing their best) to take action to implement measures that could work for business to continue operating while the world was in lockdown.   

Staying active operationally was taken care of by every company’s IT team, and in the 11 plus years NCX Group has worked with CEOs, CIOs, and their IT teams, we have never seen a project take place in this short amount of time.  Until now that is.   

However, this speed comes at a cost, which our security assessments have revealed – regression in cyber resiliency. 

With the shift to remote and hybrid work environments settling in, there’s time to protect and secure everything you’ve done to keep business going before 2022 arrives.  Furthermore, there’s also time to plan how to keep cyber resiliency growing in 2022 and beyond with the remote work and hybrid environment changes. 


Here’s the cyber resilience game plan for executives for 2022  

  • Cloud security for threats 
  • Supply chain risks and vendor risk management 
  • Incident response for ransomware 
  • Business continuity with a hybrid workforce 
  • Security assessment for a remote and hybrid work environment 


Each of these areas requires time for you to assess what you have in place from pre-pandemic, what changes you’ve made as you implemented the new work environment, and where you need to reassess what needs to be done to repair vulnerabilities.  

As with everything cyber resiliency related, it is about having the technology, people and processes in place that allow you to have ears, eyes and readiness to take action to protect your assets (your data) and stay operations, even if that means offline.   


Planning for the unexpected is what your business continuity plans, and incident response team takes care of ensuring.  This doesn’t change with your hybrid and remote workforce, it just expands to cover that much more ground (more complicated, but with the right help easily achievable). 

Reach out if you need help to successfully implement cybersecurity with how you are conducting your business operations at this point in time. 


Schedule your free consultation to find out more about how NCX Group can help you with cloud security assessments, remote workforce cybersecurity awareness training, and cyber resiliency overall. 

Here’s the link to our calendar, where you can set up a time to talk with one of our cybersecurity experts: https://calendly.com/ncxgroup