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Post-Quantum Cyber Risk Management

Executive checklist

As quantum computers become increasingly powerful, it is important for businesses to start thinking about the implications for cybersecurity. Quantum computers can break through many of the traditional methods used to protect data, which means that businesses need to start planning for a post-quantum world. In this blog post, we’ll walk you through how to create a post-quantum cyber risk management checklist and some steps you can take for your overall quantum risk management.

First let’s take a look at: what is post-quantum cybersecurity.

Post-quantum cybersecurity is the practice of protecting data and communications against attacks from quantum computers. Quantum computers are orders of magnitude more powerful than traditional computers, and they could be used to break common encryption schemes. As such, organizations need to start thinking about how to protect their data against quantum computer attacks.

A basic post-quantum risk management checklist holds the following items.

  • Understand the basics of quantum computing
  • Assess your organization’s quantum risks
  • Identify critical data and systems
  • Implement quantum-safe solutions
  • Monitor for quantum threats
  • Stay up to date on the latest quantum developments
  • Prepare for a post-quantum world

Now let’s take a look at some steps you can take for your overall quantum risk management.

  1. Evaluate your current cryptographic protocols.

Are the algorithms you are using currently vulnerable to quantum attacks? Some of the most popular algorithms, such as RSA and ECC, are believed to be vulnerable. If you are using these algorithms, you need to start thinking about replacement options. Quantum-safe algorithms, such as NewHope and Sphincs+, are thought to be resistant to quantum attacks and should be considered as possible replacements.

  1. Assess your data sensitivity.

Not all data is created equal. Some data is more sensitive than others and will need stronger protection. Make sure to assess the sensitivity of all of your data so that you can plan accordingly.

  1. Implement quantum-safe encryption.

Once you have evaluated your current cryptographic protocols and assessed your data sensitivity, you can start implementing quantum-safe encryption. This will help ensure that your data is safe from quantum attacks.

  1. Educate your employees on post-quantum risks.

Make sure that all employees are aware of the risks posed by quantum computers so that they can take steps to protect themselves and your business. Educating employees on best practices for post-quantum security is an important part of any risk management strategy.

  1. Stay up-to-date on developments in quantum computing.

The field of quantum computing is evolving rapidly, and new breakthroughs are being made all the time. Stay up-to-date on developments in quantum computing so that you can make sure that your business is prepared for whatever comes next.

By following the checklist and steps outlined in this blog post, you have a basic post-quantum cyber risk management plan for your business.

Be sure to stay up-to-date on developments in quantum computing.  Doing this will keep your business one step ahead of the competition.  Also, ensure you have the cybersecurity expertise you need to spot new risks that will come beyond quantum computers as our cyber work world evolves.

The digital era is here to stay and will keep creating new technologies, tools, software, and ways to work remotely and online.  Only a cybersecurity expert will have the expert’s eye needed to spot security risks that your online environment could face in time.

Schedule your free consultation if you want a security assessment for the new risks at hand https://calendly.com/ncxgroup


Photo courtesy of alphaspirit