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Cloud Security

The difference with cybersecurity

Cybersecurity and cloud security may sound the same, but they are not. While the former can entail the latter, the latter entails a primary focus on the security of the cloud environment alone.

When you set up cybersecurity to include the cloud, you are going to set up your company’s basic security posture needs with the integration of the cloud environment.

You set up your cybersecurity posture items, such as policies and procedures, business continuity and incident response plans, security assessments and employee cybersecurity training, to incorporate the cloud your company uses.

Cloud security on the other hand, refers to the safety of the cloud itself and checking the environment. This means checking in on running applications, storing data and processing transactions.

These are all elements of concern to keep corporate and customer information secure within the cloud.

Ideally you want to implement cybersecurity and cloud security together. This enables to ensure the cloud environment gets the attention it needs since it has different monitoring needs than a network or data center or device, and so forth.

A recent study by Thales reveals that the cloud environment is more at risk of breach, with 40% of organizations globally having experienced a cloud-based data breach in the past 12 months.

Hackers are using the following to their advantage:

  • Targeting handheld devices since they have a lower level of security than PCs.
  • Social engineering techniques tricking targets to open malicious emails.
  • Embedding viruses, spam and Trojans in images, PDF files and links they make seem harmless.

Because of the many and substantial cyber threats, IT is tasked to protect an ever-increasing number of endpoints and cloud security can secure, encrypt and archive emails, while cybersecurity alone will not necessarily have that in place.

Another difference with cloud security versus cybersecurity alone is that cloud security can also filter internet access to prevent network users from downloading content that has not been approved.

With cloud security you operate in the cloud and therefore from the environment as a whole, which allows you to meet the threat in the cloud, not outside of it.

We can look at cloud security as a new addition to our new approach to cybersecurity – one without walls, due to the hybrid work environment.

When cybersecurity began, it took a physical location and then a network to keep eyes on. Now we still have the physical location and network, but most of the work is being conducted outside of both and in an environment of its own: the cloud.

Investing in cybersecurity and cloud security is pretty much a must at this point if you are going to ensure you have all your basis covered.

You’ll notice that big companies and the cybersecurity industry are voicing more and more attention on the need for cloud security. There are a number of new tools that can help to initiate the process of cloud security.

With the right team of experts and tools, you can protect the cloud environment, which will also keep your cybersecurity posture strong.

Let’s talk if you need help getting started with cloud security.

Schedule your free consultation here: https://calendly.com/ncxgroup


Photo courtesy of watcharakun