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The real trick in the information security industry is discerning fact from fiction. Eliminating false positives is the most efficient way to focus on the real issues and threats within the system. Falsepositives must  be eliminated in order to truly protect your system from threats. If data security is a factor within your company, ask yourself this: Is your information security data real? Or, are you falling for Jedi Mind Tricks with bad data? Accurate reporting is critical to the security of your system.

What is a False Positive?

A false positive is a Jedi Mind Trick that leaves you to believe that there’s a specific vulnerability that exists within your program. But, in actuality, it doesn’t.

The term “false positive” describes a situation when an alarm is triggered, telling your information security system that there’s a malicious attack or activity happening. Yet, no true security threat actually exists. In the internet security industry, these false positives are equivalent to the “boy who cried wolf” in the real world. They cause major problems within a company because they trigger alerts that are unjustifiable. In time, they will begin to decrease the urgency and value of actual, legitimate security alarms. Real systems threats may start to go unnoticed as false positives become a major part of everyday security procedures.

What is a False Negative?

False negatives are just as inefficient for your information security structure. The term “false negative” describes your network security system’s inability to detect actual security issues and threats. These threats could include malicious activity that the system doesn’t detect. Therefore, it doesn’t alert you that the malicious events are occurring. This could be detrimental to your system itself, as well as the security of your company. In the data security industry, this is the equivalent of having a security team that sleeps while on the job.

Fortunately, there are security measures that can be put in place to take action against false negatives. NCX Group has developed measures to ensure that your chance of receiving false negative results are reduced drastically. This is done without an increase in the amount of false positives your system receives. Creating this balance is what we do here at NCX Group.

It’s our mission to deploy security measures that report accurate alarms without introducing more risks to your system. We begin by analyzing your security system and how it detects attacks. Once we understand this, we can implement a structured security system that’s more efficient, reducing your company’s data security threats.

Reduce Your Information Security Risks

NCX Group dramatically reduces risks associated with false positives and false negatives. We use a team of experts that work together to reduce your information security risks. Our team works in an inter-departmental structure to reduce these risks through our innovative device designs, management and maintenance procedures.

Your system may be vulnerable to false positives and false negatives. Both can play Jedi Mind Tricks on you, your system and your data security team. That’s why it’s vitally important to have a team on your side that knows how to reduce these false conditions and alarms. Reducing false conditions is a very important and essential part of protecting your system.

NCX knows how to to analyze your system efficiently to determine where the weaknesses exist. Then, we implement a plan and procedure to ensure that your information security system is effectively protecting your important data. Contact us today to get your system evaluation to reduce threats within your information security system.

Photo Courtesy of  PhillipWest